Monday, February 26, 2018

Adapt to my adoption? How?

Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to speak to others about you.  Help me to "hear" with your ears, to "speak" with your words, and to "love" with your heart. I desire to apply your word to the life you have given me. You've created an adventure, and I look forward to the journey....Amen
I want to share a story: … about a little orphan kid in Viet Nam, he is clothed in rags, he steals to live, and eats out of garbage pails.  He hides when he hears a loud noise [fearing incoming fire], he hides when someone yells, (knowing he is going to be arrested for stealing), and his stomach hurts (when he cannot find enough food to eat, in the garbage).
An American soldier, cleans him up, adopts him, and brings him back to the States.  He gives him food, clothes, toys, his own room, and anything else he needs. But at meal time, this kid goes to the table and scarfs down every bit of food in sight, like there is not going to be three meals a day, plus snacks. 
He goes outside and hears thunder, runs back into the house, and hides under the bed.  
  • [There is no incoming fire.]

He hears someone down the street yell. He runs and hides.  
  • [They are just yelling "good morning".]

He looks at his adopted brothers and sisters, and thinks how weird they are. They act like this guy is REALLY their father; like they can really trust him; like they really belong here;  like His promises are REAL.
Then the light bulb goes on in his head and he begins to:
  • ·         ADAPT TO HIS ADOPTION.

There are millions of Christians who have been Adopted by God

  • ·         but have never adapted to their adoption.
  • ·         They live with Fear, as though they were still on the street, 
  • ·         They live as though they can't trust God. 
  • ·         They believe that God loves the other kids best.

It is our responsibility to adapt to our adoption and become true members of God's family.

Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:17-18….

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.

Do I accept this? Do I believe God's Word? That I am a "new person"?

When I begin to believe it, I will take it in, and own it?

Here's how to begin:

  • Do not give in to Satan's taunts, tempts, and jabbing...adapt to my adoption.
  • Write out a verse a day, place it by the bed, on the bathroom counter, and by the coffee pot.
  • Read that verse every day.
  • Make it an active thought.
2 Corinthians 10:4 says, "We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments."

(v5) We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.

Just seems too easy...write down scripture, read scripture, believe scripture...and God will handle the rest?  

Thank you Father, for your guidance. Thank you for loving me as I am today, without me having to try to earn your love. Thank you for making me a new creation. I want to sit with you, to learn more about you, your way, your truth, your love and your promises. I know you are with me, because your word tells me so. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen

Rita Shipman, MCC

Rita is a Christian Counselor who is seeking to grow in understanding and knowledge of God's word, "to be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him in the next". (Serenity Prayer).

She hopes to encourage others to do the same, to grow in relationship with God by reading His word, and then applying it to their lives!  God loves us all so much, much more than we can even imagine.

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