Monday, March 5, 2018

GOD IS THE STAR OF MY STORY - I don't Understand

Hello God,

Your hand is gently pushing me - Thank You Lord, you know my path, you know your love, you know what you have planned for me. I am your child, I am desiring to be your obedient child. You are the Almighty, you desire to show me your way, my sight is limited. My choices are self-centered. I am the star of my story - No, God, you are the star of my story, I am the supporting actor.

You are so beautiful to me. These words resonate inside my chest. It is like I can feel a grip on my heart that is lightly squeezing. You are so beautiful to me - can't you see? I sit here in the morning light, I am teary-eyed. I feel hopeful. I have a confident expectation of where I am headed in life, eternal life with God.

(Phil. 4: 13) "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Many times, I have not understood situations or events in my life. I did not grasp the meaning of the thoughts, feelings, or experiences – until afterwards…in hindsight (which is 20/20 vision), for then I could see how God was working for my good, through a painful experience. Was it like this for the disciples?

(Luke 18:34 NLT)  “But they didn’t understand any of this. The significance of His words was hidden from them, and they failed to grasp what he was talking about.”

Did Jesus know the disciples would not understand His words, until after the event of His death, until He was resurrected?  Yes, I am positive our All-knowing God was fully aware and in knowledge of what His disciples understood.

How many times have I failed to understand the significance of the words I was given, in the moment. Maybe I wasn’t meant to understand, until afterwards. So, some things are not going to be apparent in our lives until we go through the doors God means for us to go through on this journey.

(Phil 3: 14) "I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."

Each day, God presents us with the needs and opportunities that challenge us to do what is right. He wants us to re-evaluate our thoughts, words, and deeds, to see if we are truly believing in Him! For us to understand that He is the star of our story!

 (John 6: 47) "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life."

Thank you, God, for loving me, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, just as I am. All the praise and glory go to You, Father.

Who is the star of YOUR story?   

Rita Shipman, MCC


Rita is a Christian Counselor who is seeking to grow in understanding and knowledge of God's word, "to be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him in the next". (
Serenity Prayer).

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